Teaching A Learner To Drive?

Supervisors - Be Aware! - Don't Fall Foul of the Laws That Govern Your Role

DriveHart Season 1 Episode 18

Link to Drive Hart https://linktr.ee/drivehart

This Podcast provides an overview of the Supervising Drivers Role; the podcast is delivered by Julia Clayton, who is a retired Assistant Chief Constable (police), Director of Drive Hart (Government Approved Instructor Training Company) and qualified Grade A Instructor with some 30 years experience of law (criminal and civil).  

The podcast looks at the legal aspects of your supervision role, outlining the rules and responsibilities involved in the  role and provides some practical advice on what to do and advice to seek before setting off to conduct private practice with a learner driver. 

Key pointers:

  • Ensure you understand what your role requires you to do - you need to be active not passive in ensuring driving practice is kept safe.

  • Check your/learners insurance cover properly.  Ensure it fully covers the learner and you for practice driving.  Some insurance companies are putting additional requirements on supervision of learners (eg increasing the age of the supervisor is just one)  so speak to them, don't just assume it will cover you or the learner - check!   

  • Ask whether the insurance cover in place also provides for funding for  legal cover should the learner or your actions as supervisor be subject to criminal or civil proceedings and costs.   Do not underestimate how important this can be, civil  cases where compensation/damages are being sought can be very costly.


  • Ensure you vehicle is fully legal, tax, insurance, MOT and display L Plates as required when taking a learner out.

  • Speak with your Approved Driving Instructor on when to start private practice and what subjects to cover, where and when - the principle:  practice was has been taught by the Approved Driving Instructor where possible. 

  • Understand that the law expects you to be active in your role, ensuring practice is kept safe (for you and all other road users), if you are found not to have given instruction or made an intervention in the event of an accident, you may fi
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Dear Listener

Thank you for taking time to listen to our podcasts we hope they are of use and welcome your feedback. Series 1 was very much for students and parents - but we found trainee instructors also liked the materials. Series 2 is a response from Potential Instructors who want to know what they need to know to become effective instructors (the what and how of teaching) and to pass DVSA qualifying exams.

For further resources and advice please see our facebook group for parents - teaching a learner to drive on: https://www.facebook.com/groups/524645638669371

For instructors see our facebook group for instructors on:

We update our facebook page with regular legal and DVSA updates - please follow us on our Drive Hart facebook page on: https://www.facebook.com/DriveHart

Thank you again for listening to our podcasts we hope they were of use in your teaching a learner to drive. If you have any queries please email us on admin@drivehart.com

Sarah Jane Hart & Jac Clayton
Directors at Drive Hart Ltd