Teaching A Learner To Drive?

Driving Syllabus - Overview of Key Issues for Instructors

DriveHart Season 1 Episode 20

Link to Drive Hart https://linktr.ee/drivehart

This podcast presented by Sarah Hart, A Graded ADI who is ORDIT registered and director of Drive Hart Limited. 

The session covers some of the main problems associated the learning to drive syllabus from the perspective of the potential or approved instructor perspective. 

Four main areas examined in terms of the problems that can arise with syllabus management and some suggestions on solutions, concluding with some key tips to assist those new to the industry.

1.  Goals/Aims of syllabus delivery - what outcomes are being sought for your training:  the podcast examine the problem of being rigid in syllabus delivery, inflexible to students needs or goals, or becoming over-focused just on test preparation.  We advocate a clear aim/goal on preparing learners to be safe and competent drivers, who are also properly prepared for the UK Driving Test  before presentation to test.  A focus on safety and competency ensures a wider breadth of knowledge and skills which keep young drivers safe when they take on independent driving.  The National publications (syllabus, standards for driving and teaching) set by the Government (Department of Vehicle Standards Agency, make it clear that the focus should be on safety and competency and link to these can be found below).


2.  Knowledge and understanding of the syllabus - the breadth of the National Syllabus,  as well as knowledge of each subject, need to brief students and taking a step by step approach to delivery.   We recommend that you get detailed understanding of the DVSA Essential Skills booklet and the highway code as well as the national standards and syllabus mentioned above.  But more than that, use your ADI trainer / coach to provide detailed professional knowledge of teaching the driving syllabus and get really familiar with how each subject is taught (step by step).   A useful DVSA sponsored site is the safedriving for life site a link to which is provided below, which provides software for PDI revision on Part 1/Part 2 as well as a shop with the main text you will need to help you in your role, in particular the essential skills. 


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Dear Listener

Thank you for taking time to listen to our podcasts we hope they are of use and welcome your feedback. Series 1 was very much for students and parents - but we found trainee instructors also liked the materials. Series 2 is a response from Potential Instructors who want to know what they need to know to become effective instructors (the what and how of teaching) and to pass DVSA qualifying exams.

For further resources and advice please see our facebook group for parents - teaching a learner to drive on: https://www.facebook.com/groups/524645638669371

For instructors see our facebook group for instructors on:

We update our facebook page with regular legal and DVSA updates - please follow us on our Drive Hart facebook page on: https://www.facebook.com/DriveHart

Thank you again for listening to our podcasts we hope they were of use in your teaching a learner to drive. If you have any queries please email us on admin@drivehart.com

Sarah Jane Hart & Jac Clayton
Directors at Drive Hart Ltd